HOME Forums BISCUIT New Production? Reply To: New Production?

Oto Machines

Yes, an “interest list” is a good idea, thanks !

If we want to release a new batch of Biscuit, we have to re-design it because of obsolete components, need to improve the manufacturing process and so on. We’ll also need to order some parts in large quantities (keyboard, power supplies, packaging…).
So we’ll start a new design only if we are sure we’ll sell enough Biscuits to pay all the extra costs. The original Biscuit was quite expensive to build, and we didn’t make many money from this product, even if we sold near 2000 units !

So maybe a new batch of Biscuit should be a new Biscuit : same signal path (8-bit converters, filter…) and sound, but extended features. Like more delay time, possibility to have 2 FXs at the same time, bypass of the 8-bit section, more presets memories, LCD screen…and possibly cheaper than the original one !

We’ll start an interest list in january. Maybe a simple email query, or a forum topic ?